
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thank You Paper Crafts and Scrapbooking Magazine

Hello friends, 

Today I and many, many members of the paper crafting community are joining hands and taking a moment to honor and thank Paper Crafts and Scrapbooking magazine. Last month contributors received notification that the magazine would be ceasing publication after the February 2015 issue, and this week, the editorial team is wrapping up many of their responsibilities. You should have arrived here from the lovely Lalo IK's blog. If not, and you would like to catch up with all the participants, I have included the full list below. 

To be honest, I am not really sure how start this post.  Over the past couple of days it seems that every time I sit down to write, I come down with a major case of the "feels."  In fact, I have managed to delay writing this post until the 11th hour of the evening before in the hop.  I am not sure if my thought process was that the added pressure of deadline would help the writing flow, or if once I completed this project and post, it would mean that it's truly over.  Maybe it's a little of both. Sadly, it's late, and I'm still struggling to find the words to adequately express what's on my mind and in my heart.  

Over the past 3+ years, so many of my creative adventures from my morning blog checks to my weekend crafty to-dos and even my "crafty bucket list" have been inspired by Paper Crafts and Scrapbooking Magazine, and for that, I am so grateful. 

I still remember the giddy joy of receiving my very first project acceptance email from Susan on March 17, 2011.  I was a little shocked, but so, so excited.  Over the years, there would be more happy emails, a couple contest wins, many Facebook acceptance email parties, a crown, and even a cover project (or two).  It's been quite a ride.  

So to the team at Paper Crafts and Scrapbooking Magazine, I want to say thank you.   Thank you for teaching me about design.  Thank you for encouraging me. Thank you for challenging me to grow creatively.  Thank for you for the amazing inspiration. Thank you for giving me something to aspire to. Thank you for the opportunities to create. Thank you for being a dream to work with. Thank you for supporting and creating a sense of community among paper crafters.  Your impact on me and the paper crafting community has been profound, and I want to thank you... for everything.

There's more I could say, but there are many more stops and stories to be shared along this hop. 

Before I go and send you along to your next stop, I would like to say to the amazing editorial and design team at PCS, each and every one of you is so amazing.  Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to making the magazine what it was and what it meant to each and every one of your readers.  I have faith that great things are just ahead for each of you, and I wish you all the best in whatever comes next. 

Your next stop is the darling Jennifer Cuthbertson.  

Thanks for stopping by. 

Card supplies: Tribal Thank You and Loved Stamp Sets by Waffle Flower Crafts, Ink by Hero Arts, Studio Calico and Tsukineko


  1. Gorgeous card. its amazing to read how the magazine touched all of us so much.

  2. great post and your card? gorgeous!

  3. This is stunning! What fantastic stamping and placement! A wonderful tribute too!

  4. Beautifully said, Katie! And the card... whoa!!! It's a showstopper!!!

  5. Love the stampings on your pretty card Katie!

  6. Wow! Gorgeous! The colors on this are just awesome!

  7. Thank you for a sharing a beautiful card.

  8. Katie, this is such a beautiful post! And I just love your card!

  9. What a gorgeous card and beautiful post.

  10. Fab tribute and a gorgeous card too!

  11. This is such a pretty card!! The black just pops among the color! Lovely tribute to PC&S!!

  12. So fun to read your memories about PCS. And your card is perfectly stamped, as always. I am also loving your blog header and background. Suits you perfectly!


Your thoughts mean so much to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know you stopped by!