
Friday, January 17, 2014

A sweet Valentine treat + a Neat and Tangled farewell

Hi friends,

I am on the Neat and Tangled blog today with an idea to share for a sweet Valentine treat.

It's also my last project as a member of the Neat and Tangled design team, so dark chocolate aside, it's a bittersweet post.  I am thankful to Danielle for the opportunity, my amazing teamies, who are as kind as they are talented, and for your sweet comments on my Neat and Tangled projects. 

I adore Danielle's stamps, so you will still see Neat + Tangled stamps used here on my blog and in a some upcoming publications. I can't wait to see what Danielle comes up with next, and I know the new design team members will rock these stamps!  

That's all for me today! Thank you for stopping by!


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