
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I want to hear you ROAR


So I know things have been a bit quiet on the blog front of late... hangs head... I have been busy working on lots of stuff, some of which I can't show you yet.... ;)   But mostly, I have just been busy.

One card I wanted to share with you today is my paper ode to Katy Perry's pop anthem/song Roar.  I don't know if it's hit your radio waves yet, but it's all over stations in Northeast Ohio and I kinda love it. It's so catchy and a great message too.  Check out the video here.

When you find inspiration in recent popular culture, sometimes it's a challenge to figure out how to capture it without a stamp set, for example, that spells it out. So I turned to my computer and came up with this:


I created a text box in Microsoft Word and typed my text and printed onto a piece of lightweight cardstock.  Next, I stamped the image of the lion (The Craft's Meow- Birthday Puns) and the starburst (Avery Elle- Bright Days). I trimmed the cardstock, punched the corners and mounted it on red cardstock.  I adhered some enamel dots in the corners before adhering it to a embossed piece of Aquamarine cardstock and attaching the completed panel to a white cardstock base.

The fonts I used were Orniste and Simplicity.  Both can be downloaded for free on DaFont.

Well, that's it for me today!  I will be back a bit later this week with a fun Neat & Tangled Halloween project.  Hope to see you then! Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Seriously Katie! This is sooo cool! LOVE it!

  2. Literally as I am reading your blog - I'm hearing my local news in the background announcing that a local high school won the "roar" contest and Katy Perry will perform at the school next week! I guess I need to catch up a little because I love your use of "roar" on the card - and clearly it would be meaningful to all of those loving the song!


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