
Sunday, July 21, 2013

SPARKS Challenge: You're Super!

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Hello and happy Sunday!

I got a few spare moments today to play along with this week's Paper Smooches SPARKS Challenge. This week's challenge is a Cool Shades Challenge, all about color, and using this week's color story, here is my card:


My first paying job when I was younger (not counting babysitting, of course) was working at a grocery store...  Kroger, in Dublin, Ohio to be precise.  I worked there throughout high school in various jobs including, bagger, cashier, and video clerk- that last position may date me a bit.  We had an instore video rental service and we rented VHS tapes. Part of my job was to make sure that the tapes were rewound after each rental. Seems like so long ago....

Anyway, back to the card, needless to say, I have a soft spot in my heart for Market Fresh set, the Grocery Cart, and Shopping Bag die and I used those to tell this week's story. 


I love the the bag die fits perfectly inside the cart and BONUS, when you bag isn't holding groceries, it doubles as a nifty gift card holder. 

Here is a look at this week's colors: 

That's all for me tonight.  Laundry is calling me! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. The shopping cart die is adorable.

  2. SUPER DUPER cute! LOOOOOOOOVE the bold colors you've used-- love the embossing-- love the groceries in the shopping bag!! LOVE it all:) Thanks so much for joining in the fun with the Paper Smooches SPARKS team-- hope you play along this week with the Picture Perfect challenge!!!

  3. FABULOUS Katie - LOVE the gift holder idea :)

  4. Oh my goodness, this is adorable! I LOVE the cart full of groceries! LOL!


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