
Monday, January 28, 2013

A Skipping Stones thank you

Hello and happy Monday!

Today, some friends of Skipping Stones and I are taking a moment to say thank you to Heather Engebretson.  Heather is the owner, sense of humor and artistic visionary behind Skipping Stones Design.

I am grateful to Heather for many, many reasons, but I thought I would take a minute, if you will indulge me, to tell you how Heather and I first crossed paths. After placing my first order with Skipping Stones Design back in 2011, Heather checked out my blog from a link in my email and encouraged me to submit an application for her design team.  She also invited me to participate in the Blogs for Boobies fundraiser with dozens of very talented and accomplished designers. Needless to say, I was very flattered and humbled.  I was very new to participating in the paper crafting community and had only just started submitting projects to magazines and playing along with online challenges.

A few months later, Heather offered me a spot on the Skipping Stones Design team and I was thrilled. The last year and a half have been so amazing!  I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Heather and the amazing team of designers, guest designers and sketch artists over these many, many months. And to Heather, I would like to say thank you for taking the time to encourage new designers, taking a chance on the new girl and giving me this awesome opportunity!

I made a card for Heather that I am sharing today.  I used a vintage Skipping Stones set called Buns and Crunches.


Don't those cookies look delicious? The patterned papers are from My Mind's Eye and I used an oval doily from MFT's Dienamics to create the platter.  I love the Buns and Crunches set for it's sweet and sassy sentiments.  I think that sums up Heather's contributions to the stamping community pretty well, sweet and sassy!

Your next stop on the thank you hop is the sweet and talented Wendy Price. Here is a list of the designers hat are participating in today's hop.

Be sure to leave comments on the designer's blogs as you hop today.  There are some Skipping Stones sets that will be given to winners selected from comments left on the designers blogs.  Comments must be received by 5 p.m. on Sunday, February 3 and will be announced here and on the Skipping Stones blog on Monday, February 4.


  1. Cute! I love the pop of green off the white doily and kraft base.

  2. Beautiful card, Katie! And, just a thank you from myself to you for all of the hard work and time you gave to the team. You have been wonderful to work with.

  3. super cute idea to use the doily for the plate! Super cute card, Katie! (and now I'm craving chocolate chip cookies! LOL! Might just have to make some later)

  4. Very cute--love the oval doily as a plate for the cookies.

  5. This looks delicious Katie! Fabulous card. Thanks again for everything, you've been fabulous! xoxo

  6. Very sweet card...the image and the sentiment are perfect for a friend. love the doily under the cookies.

  7. Love the card and the story you told! Just sweet all the way around!

  8. Cute card! Makes me want to bake some chocolate chip cookies

  9. Beautiful card, I love those cookies and the papers are perfect. Love the new blog look too!

  10. I LOVE the card almost as much as i adore you!!!! I couldn't have kept things going witout your amazing support and help. I will miss you more than I can say!!Thank you for such a wonderful surprise blog hop!!!! You are truely amazing!!!!

  11. I LOVE the card almost as much as I adore you!!! You have given me SO much support and help over the last little while...I just don't know what I would have done without you!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  12. awesome card~love that cookie set!!!

  13. So darling! I love it. Everything is just right on this card. I joined your blog through Google Friends. Thanks for sharing.

  14. the sentiment! Love the hop!

  15. This card is so sweet Katie and I love that sentiment. Thanks so much for all your work and help with SSD - you have so wonderful :)

  16. Super cute card! Love the cookies and saying.

  17. Cute card. Love the cookies.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  18. Very cute! Love the patterned paper under the doily- wonderful texture there.

  19. Totally adorable! Thanks for being such a great leader too!

  20. How cute is that sentiment?!?! Love it! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Make sure to stop buy and enter the stamp set giveaway I have going on now : )


  21. I forget about all the fun options with these sets...this one is so cute! Really going to miss this blog and all the great inspiration. Love the doily!

  22. Wonderful card, totally yummy and the sentiment is so sweet!!!! LOVE it!!! Thank you for the past months, it's been great working with you!

  23. Cute card. The cookies almost look real

  24. i LOVE the sentiment! And you are right those cookies do look good! yum! Thanks!

  25. Such a Darling card...
    Looks good enough to eat !!


  26. Such a sweet card, love the sentiment!!!

  27. What a sweet card! Heather definitely has a way of combing really fun sentiments with her images. This set is no exception! Love those giant chocolate chip cookies.


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