
Sunday, October 30, 2011

I'm a Cover Girl!!!

Hello friends!

So, a few months back, I started submitting some projects to Cricut magazine.  I have been a Cricut owner for many, many years, but like so many, it can go under utilized for weeks or months at a time.  Well, enter Cricut Magazine, published monthly by Northridge Publishing.  I picked up the March 2011 issue and was blown away by all the cool stuff that some very talented ladies were doing with their Cricuts.  It was just the inspiration I needed to dust off my bug and get to creating.  I will admit that it was a bit strange creating for fall and winter holidays in the spring time, but I created some little treat bags using my Mini Monsters cartridge, took a photo, emailed them off to the magazine for consideration.  I was beyond thrilled that they were picked up for the October issue.

So, several months pass, the weather turned cooler and one Saturday afternoon I am running my marathon errands and stop into Hobby Lobby. I saw the October issue of Cricut magazine and was surprised to see my monster treat bags gracing the cover.

The projects were pretty simple to put together- using the Mini Monsters cartridge, I cut the treat bags and layers from some Papertrey Ink cardstock.  I embossed the layers for some added dimension.

I am looking forward to receiving my issues of this magazine- this one will have to get a place of honor in the craft cave!

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a happy and safe Halloween!



  1. Thanks so awesome! I was just staring at that issue this morning and was admiring how cute the favor boxes were! I didn't know you designed them! That's fabulous! :) congrats!

  2. Congratulations. These treat bags are ever so cute!

  3. How fun is that Katie! So happy for you! Boy, what a fun surprise that must have been!


  5. Congrats, Katie. Well deserved recognition!

  6. Congratulations, Katie! This is so exciting!

  7. Wow - how fabulous finding your submissions on the front of the magazine... that must have been mega. I would have had to tell everyone in the shop - and on the way back to the car - in fact, i'd have been so high, I would have flown home... lol. Seriously though, well done on getting your stuff published. You deserve it because these little monsters are too cute!

    Paula Gale, Derbyshire, UK x x x


Your thoughts mean so much to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know you stopped by!