
Friday, April 10, 2015

Waffle Flower Year 1 Blog Hop + Giveaway

Hi friends, 

Today, we are having a blog hop in celebration of Waffle Flower Crafts first birthday! 

For this celebration, we are looking back on some of our favorite stamp sets and projects.  It was really tough to just choose one set to spotlight.  Being the sentimental type, I decided to focus on a set that been with me the longest and looked deep in the archives for what I am sharing today.  So let's get this party started!

Bowtiful Stamp Set

So this is the set that started it all.  In fact, when Nina asked me to join her team a year ago, she included a sneak peek of this set.  I knew in that moment that I was privileged to be a part of something really special. From the perfectly random stars to the fabulous font and trendy bow, this stamp set is just amazing!

I have made quite a few projects with the Bowtiful stamp set and Bowtiful Die Set. Some of my favorites include: 

A "Mini" Birthday Party

A Very Fancy Card

With the first year in the books, I know Waffle Flower Crafts has even more great things in store.  Stay in the loop by following Waffle Flower on: 
So you can't have birthday party without presents and my gift is a Bowtiful Stamp Set along with a copy of the Waffle Flower Year 1 Catalog.  To enter, just leave me a comment on this post by 9 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, April 15.  I will announce the winner on my blog later next week!

Hop Order
The party's not over yet!  Be sure to check of the rest of the Waffle Flower team for more favorites, memories and giveaways!

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. I love the birthday set, the garland is wonderful!

  2. Your projects are fantastic! I am partial to the banner and I'll explain why. My daughter (who is a jewellery designer and now works from home as she has two young sons, 3 & 1.) She is very artistic and has fun banners throughout the house which she changes regularly. Being as they are boys, I can see her loving one of these. I am constantly called upon to stamp/die cut something new. These would be perfect. I can't wait to show her. TFS!

    I am relatively new to WFC so I don't have ANY, YET! LOL

  3. Gorgeous cards! My favorite is the shaker card! Love the black and gold one too! Thanks for your blog hop!

  4. Fun banner and cards!!! Love the pretty bows!!
    Thanks for the chance to win some lovely stamps!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  5. Love the Mini party
    creation! Cute cards.
    Carla from Utah

  6. What a fun versatile set! Everyone loves a bow!

  7. Love how you've used this darling set!

  8. I love mini birthday party, your fancy card and your shaker card, all are so beautiful!

  9. Love your projects, Katie! I'd have to say this is one of my favorites, too!

  10. I love the garland idea. Hmmmm I am inspired to work on a project & add this set to my collection.

  11. Great projects. Love the shaker card.

  12. What wonderful cards and projects I really love this set.

  13. Fun! I especially love the set in the first picture. I'm always trying to think of ways to use those little bottles.

  14. These are just bowtiful! : ) Congrats on 1 year anniv!

  15. It would be hard to chose a favourite stamp set. Thanks for giving this one away - it looks really neat.

  16. What wonderful creations from this set! Really shows some of the versatility! Super inspirational post....thank you ♥

  17. Oohhhhh very pretty! I love the bow set!

  18. So many fabulous projects (love the bows), hard to believe you only used one stamp set!

  19. I love the mini cute.

  20. These are fabulous! I love that shaker card.

  21. Gorgeous cards and loving that shaker!!!

  22. Very fun party decorations and great shaker card.

  23. You make beautiful cards but I can too with waffle flower stamp sets. They are my favourite and I love what you do with them!

  24. I love the bows. I have 2 daughters. So anything girly works for us.

  25. Awesome projects! I love the font of the sentiments in this set and those happy stars!!! I definitely need to add some Waffle Flower products to my crafty supplies-----so many super duper fun goodies!!!

  26. What a FUN bunch of projects Katie! I really love the way you made the shaker card!

  27. One of the local TV Newscasters has bowtie Tuesday. Every Tuesday he wears a bow tie. this really reminded me of him. Darling cards. Love the bowtie.
    thanks for sharing.

  28. Congrads! Cut and Fun, love the stamps. TFS.

  29. This is awesome. All so perfect!

  30. This is such a fun set - with a bit of everything. Love your bowtiful party set.

  31. What fabulous projects with this set. My granddaughters would love the mini birthday party set.

  32. OMGoodness these are all wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Crafty hugs,
    DesignsByDragonfly {blogspot}

  33. Nice cards. Congrats on celebrating 1 year!

  34. Oh my, so cute! I adore your projects ♥ I love the stamp set too.

  35. I really love your playful designs in your projects. So fun!
    Creative regads from stempelfrida

  36. I do love this stamp set - so many possibilities to use it! thanks for the inspiration.

  37. What a pretty collection of party items!

  38. Delightful cards! I love the Bowtiful stamp set too....
    Congrats to Waffle Flower on 1 awesome year, and I will look forward to many more wonderful stamp sets and dies to come!

  39. What a cute idea for the banner! All your projects are amazing!

  40. Birthday progect is not easy, but yours are "so fancy"! Thanks.

  41. Such amazing, cute, and uber fun projects!! You did a masterful job at showcasing Waffleflower products!! Kudos to you!!


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