
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Give Thanks {Waffle Flower Crafts}

Hello friends,

Earlier this month, Waffle Flower Crafts released the Holiday Labels- Give Thanks stamp set.  With our Canadian friends celebrating Thanksgiving yesterday, I thought it was the perfect time to ink up this set and create a trio of thankful cards.

I started with a panel of white cardstock and lightly traced a swooping line with my pencil.  Next I stamped the leaves and acorns from the Holiday Labels- Give Thanks stamp set.  Once the larger shapes were in place, I stamped the small set of leaves that were a part of the 'Give Thanks' sentiment.  I performed a bit of stamp surgery to separate them from the sentiment. I also added a few dots from the Feather More stamp set.  Finally, I erased the pencil lines and stamped the sentiment in brown ink. I matted the stamped panel on a piece of patterned paper and adhered it to the card base. 

This design is super easy for mass production, so I made a few more. 

On a gray patterned paper mat with bright green leaves. 

Same ink colors as above matted with yellow patterned paper.  (And no, your eyes are not playing trick on you, I made a trimming error, so the yellow card is 4 x 5.5".  I am hoping the recipient will not notice.) ;o)

Here are the three cards- all stamped out and ready to go!  

Well, that's all for me today!  Thank you for stopping by!



  1. LOVE times a million, Katie! Super fab CAS cards! Now I want this set!

  2. beautiful!! love the one matted on blue the best!:)

  3. GOOOOOOOOOODNESS me! I LOVE that first card--- love the colors and the design! FAB job with this card set! WOW!

  4. These are perfect! Love the flow of everything and such pretty colors!

  5. Love these cards - such a gorgeous design & mix of colors!


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