
Friday, July 4, 2014

I am so thankful {Happy Independence Day}

Hello all!

Happy Independence Day to all my US friends! It's been quiet here on the blog front this week- no stamp out chaos (sorry), no sharing just for fun or challenge cards.  Instead, I have been embracing this long awaited summer and trying to have fun with the kiddos.  My oldest daughter is turning 10 next week, and I realized that I only have eight more summers with her at home!  Seems to defy logic, but it's true!  Sadly, those eight summers will go by in the blink on an eye. So you will have to forgive me if summer gets the best of me from time to time.  It's such a fleeting season.

All that aside, I did manage to create a card and it seemed appropriate to share it with you today. I love Independence Day and all the festivities that surround the July 4th holiday, and I think about others who have sacrificed much to allow us the many freedoms we enjoy today. So for that and for countless other things I take for granted, I am thankful, and thought I would make a patriotic thank you card.

All of the stamps and dies I used for this card are by Paper Smooches. I started by die cutting 3 rainbows in red, white and blue.  I used a bit of washi tape on the back of the die cuts to hold the alternating rainbow stripes together.  I flipped one of the rainbows up (or down depending on your perspective and traced the nurdle shape onto a scrap of red cardstock and used some scissors to cut along that line

I stamped the star border from the Seeing Stars set and adhered the red cardstock to a white panel.  Next I adhered the double rainbow swoop onto that card and trimmed the edges. I stamped the sentiment from Many Thanks in blue in and added a small red star as an accent.  The completed panel was then adhered to a blue card base. 

Well that's all for me today!  If you are celebrating today, I hope you have a safe and wonderful time!  

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love your card, Katie! I can completely understand what you mean with summer...And at least I know I'm not the only one, that thinks about how much time is left with my kids. ;) My daughter turns 9 on the 6th and I always question where the time has gone and is she really going to be 9?!! Enjoy your family and summer! See you around! :)

  2. Great card!!! Enjoy your family time!!!


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