
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Waffle Flower Winner

Hey all,

I hope your Saturday is going well.  Sorry I am a bit tardy with this post, Easter Seals is stopping by our house today to pick up several boxes of charitable donations, and I got caught up in deep cleaning our bathrooms.  Fun Saturday stuff.

Anyway, told me that the lucky winner of the Flower Circles stamp set is commenter 10, Terri Burson!  Congrats Terri!  I will be sending you an email, but feel free to reach out to me as well at scrappy_diva (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Whatever you are up to this weekend, I hope you have fun and maybe fit in a bit of creative time!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Katie! Got my set and already made a card. Its on my blog.


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