
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm honored!

Good morning!

I woke up yesterday morning to some exciting news...  A few weeks ago, I sent in a few cards for Paper Crafts Magazine's World Card Making contest.  I found out that one of my cards was selected as an Honorable Mention in the Hello/Thinking of You category.

This was my favorite of the four cards I mailed in.  True confession: I was so last minute with my entries, that I didn't even get a chance to snap pics of the cards before I shipped them off to the Paper Crafts office. (Picture Sunday night before the Monday deadline, very late, yours truly hunched over the coffee table typing supply and instruction lists... good times, good times....) Needless to say, I am thrilled to have this photo and my big thanks goes to the Paper Crafts editorial team for highlighting my card!

The patterned papers are from the Sn@p Collection by Simple Stories and the stamps and die are from Simon Says Stamp's line.  Washi tape by Target. :o)

Please vote!
Here's an opportunity to let your voice be heard! Paper Crafts Magazine is asking for your help to pick a favorite Honorable Mention card to win a really fun prize. Click here to check out the other four fabulous cards in the running and click HERE to cast your vote! 

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope today is a great one!


  1. Congrats Katie! Your card is so cheery, I'm not surprised it caught the editors' attention:)

  2. I LOVE your card, Katie! AWESOME!

  3. Fabulous card and huge congratulations on your HM!!!


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